Archive for March, 2014
Winter woes may be over as spending and income rose in February
Americans earned more and spent more in February, raising hopes that the economy is rebounding after an unusually severe winter. Both income and spending increased 0.3% last month from January, […]
Protected: U.S. Falls Out of the World’s Top 10 IP Destinations, and U.S.-E.U. Picture Grows Murkier
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Drought-related spike in food prices fuels otherwise flat inflation
Consumer prices barely rose in the past month as plummeting energy prices offset a stark increase in the cost of food items. The Consume Price Index (CPI) rose 0.1 percent […]
February Housing Permits Signal Future Growth
U.S. building permits picked up in February, beating expectations and signaling strong future growth. After a slow start to 2014, building permits in February rose to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate […]
Economic Ice thaws, but Retail Sales Still Chilly
By Steve Trader On its surface, the positive retail sales number for February appears to be a sign that the frozen wheels of the winter economy might be thawing. In […]
Oil Exports Hit a Snag, Revealing Ongoing Anemia
American petroleum exports declined for the first time in three months, and the United States’ international trade balance widened by the slimmest of margins in January. A report released by […]
Jump in U.S. Spending on Services in January
U.S. personal spending and income both grew in January despite severe winter weather, faring better than economic forecasts had estimated. Personal consumption grew 0.4% in January compared to a revised […]
It’s the weather, stupid
Housing recovery is in good shape despite weak forth quarter Scott Klocksin, Animal Spirits Staff Writer Relatively soft housing numbers in the fourth quarter owe more to snow than to […]
As Vortex Thaws, Expect Auto Sales to Improve
By Maddy K. Perkins The Polar Vortex kept cold-weary Americans out of the showroom this past month, but there’s no need to panic yet. The eight major U.S. automakers reported […]